
Compare Calendly vs Acuity

Calendly and Acuity are amazing tools in Scheduling category. Find a complete comparison of Calendly vs Acuity below. Check the top features, pricing, user reviews and pros and cons of both.

Calendly logo

Helps you schedule meetings without the back-and-forth emails.

Acuity logo

Easy online appointment scheduling.

Calendly vs Acuity

What is Calendly?

A simple tool that removes the pains from scheduling meetings by creating a poll to decide the most convenient time for all. Has integrations with Google, Office365 and other tools, making it easy-to-use with the current product you are using.

What is Acuity?

Acuity makes scheduling easy with features like: - Control your availability and only show clients the calendar you want them to see - Organize your schedule and auto-adjust for time zones. - Organize client info by getting all the details you need.

Calendly pricing vs Acuity pricing

  • $14/mo for 1 staff/ location, $23/mo for 6, and $45/mo for 36 + more features.
  • Complete Pricing

Images for Calendly & Acuity

Calendly Image
Acuity Image

Calendly vs Acuity - When to Use

When to use Calendly

A great add-on for all remote working/distributed teams.

When to use Acuity

Acuity acts as the one stop scheduling solution for all your needs and can get your meetings booked with ease at a low cost.

Calendly vs Acuity - Relevance to remote workers

Calendly - Relevance to remote workers


Acuity - Relevance to remote workers

Ideal for remote workers who do not wish to waste time on manually scheduling meetings with clients.

Calendly vs Acuity - Testimonials

Calendly - Testimonials

See Customer Stories for Calendly

Acuity - Testimonials

See Customer Stories for Acuity