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What is Fyle?

Fyle aims to automate and streamline every expense reporting, tracking, and management task out there for finance teams and employees

  • About Fyle

    About Fyle

    Fyle also helps finance teams gain the most profound insights around spends, operations, risks, productivity, and more.

    For employees, we want to be present at every point of their business expense; be it card transactions, online or offline (cash) purchases, advances, trip expenses, etc

  • Pricing


  • When to use Fyle

    When to use Fyle

    Used for reporting, tracking, and managing business expenses

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • Employees can submit their expense reports from anywhere using any devices. Finance teams can receive, review, and reimburse employees remotely
  • Testimonials


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