Top 350+ Funny Cat Names For your Purrfect Kitten
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Apr 11, 2023
When you bring your new furry friend home, they fill your house with love and laughter. You know this furry friend needs to be given the perfect name. It is important that the name you pick matches the cat's personality. We all know how cute and funny cats can be. This article contains a list of funny cat names that would be perfect for your kitty and will surely put a smile on your face.
All cat names are sorted by categories ranging from funny cat names, cat names inspired by their favourite food, funny cat names inspired by movies to funny cat names by colours and much more.
Let's get you started!
Table of Contents
- How to name your cat?
- Top Funny Cat Names (Gender neutral)
- Funny Male Cat Names
- Funny Female Cat Names
- Cute cat names
- Musical cat names
- Cat Names from the World of Sports
- Food-inspired Cat Names
- Cat Names from History
- Funny Movie-inspired cat names
- Funny TV Shows-inspired Cat Names
- Names based on appearance and personality
- Funny Black Cat Names
- Funny Orange Cat Names
- Funny White Cat Names
- Funny Persian Cat Names
How to name your cat?
While there is no right or wrong in naming your furry friend, there are some considerations you might want to bear in mind.
- Think of a name that is easy for you to pronounce and remember.
- Choose a name that your cat can easily respond to. Avoid using nicknames that only you understand.
- Select a name that won’t be easily confused with common cat commands such as “no” or “stop”.
- Avoid using human names, as your cat won’t understand why you are calling them by a different name to everyone else.
- If you have more than one cat, try to choose names that start with different letters to avoid confusion.
Let's now get you started with suggestions on funny cat names for cats
Top Funny Cat Names (Gender neutral)
Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, and there are many different types of cats to choose from. When it comes to naming your cat, there are many different options to choose from. While you might want to choose a traditional name for your cat, there are also many funny cat names to choose from.
If you are looking for funny cat names, here are some of the most popular options:
1. Boots
2. Buttons
3. Cookie
4. Cupcake
5. Daisy
6. Gizmo
7. Jax
8. Jasper
9. Kirby
10. Ladybug
11. Lucky
12. Max
13. Mittens
14. Mochi
15. Mr. Tibbles
16. Noodle
17. Nutella
18. Oreo
19. Peanut
20. Pumpkin
21. Snickers
22. Sugar
23. Teddy
24. Tigger
25. Willow
26. Winston
27. Waffles
28. Ziggy
29. Floof
30. Tuffy
Cat Names Generator
Click the button to generate a name:
Funny Male Cat Names
Naming your cat can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be a bit challenging. If you are looking for funny names for your male cat, here is the list of most popular options:
1. Ace
2. Albert
3. Amos
4. Archie
5. Barney
6. Benjamin
7. Bert
8. Brutus
9. Buster
10. Butch
11. Charlie
12. Chester
13. Chubbs
14. Claude
15. Clifford
16. Clyde
17. Elvis
18. Felix
19. Floyd
20. Freddy
21. Geoffrey
22. George
23. Harold
24. Harry
25. Hercules
26. Howard
27. Huey
28. Jeeves
29. Jerome
30. Jesse
Funny Female Cat Names
Female cats are known for their elegance and beauty, so it’s important to choose a name that reflects this. If you are looking for funny names for female cats, here are some of the most popular options
1. Abbey
2. Alice
3. Amber
4. Angel
5. Ariel
6. Bailey
7. Belle
8. Betsy
9. Callie
10. Chloe
11. Clementine
12. Daisy
13. Dixie
14. Ellie
15. Emma
16. Gracie
17. Harper
18. Hattie
19. Holly
20. Isabelle
21. Jenna
22. Josie
23. Cindy Clawford
24. Lacey
25. Lily
26. Lulu
27. Maggie
28. Maria
29. Mary
30. Molly

Cute cat names
1. Mittens
2. Kiki
3. Baby
4. Bella
5. Blossom
6. Buttercup
7. Callie
8. Bury
9. Clementine
10. Daisy
11. Ellie
12. Emma
13. Gracie
14. Harper
15. Hattie
16. Holly
17. Isabelle
18. Jenna
19. Josie
20. Kaylee
21. Lacey
22. Lily
23. Boo
24. Maggie
25. Maria
26. Boots
27. Penny
28. Natalie
29. Olivia
30. Paige

Musical cat names
If you’re looking for musical cat names, here are some of the most popular options:
1. Beethoven
2. Brahms
3. Chopin
4. Debussy
5. Duke
6. Ella
7. Elvis
8. Frank
9. Gershwin
10. Handel
11. Haydn
12. Jazz
13. Joplin
14. Lennon
15. Louis
16. Miles
17. Mozart
18. Nina
19. Nutcracker
20. Opera
21. Ortiz
22. Pablo
23. Pachelbel
24. Presley
25. Quincy
26. Rhythm
27. Rogers
28. Rossini
29. Sinatra
30. Strauss

Cat Names from the World of Sports
Cats and sports have a lot in common. They’re both agile, they’re both competitive, and they both love to play. If you’re looking for cat names from the world of sports, here are some popular name ideas for the adorable kittens.
1. Babe
2. Barkley
3. Bo Jackson
4. Bobby Orr
5. Brett Favre
6. Cal Ripken
7. Dan Marino
8. Dennis Rodman
9. Dwight Howard
10. Magic Johnson
11. Michael Jordan
12. Muhammad Ali
13. Nolan Ryan
14. Oscar Robertson
15. Pete Sampras
16. Shaquille O’Neal
17. Stan Musial
18. Tiger Woods
19. Wilt Chamberlain
20. Yogi Berra

Food-inspired Cat Names
Cats are known for their love of food, so it’s only fitting that there are many food-inspired cat names to choose from. If you’re looking for food-inspired cat names, here are some interesting suggestions for your great funny cat
1. Macaroon
2. Bacon
3. Beet
4. Berry
5. Biscuit
6. Blueberry
7. Brisket
8. Brownie
9. Butter
10. Cabbage
11. Muffin
12. Celery
13. Cherry
14. Chip
15. Chowder
16. Cinnamon
17. Paw Paw
18. Cocoa
19. Coffee
20. Cola
21. Cookie
22. Corn
23. Crab
24. Cucumber
25. Curry
26. Custard
27. Lemon
28. Dill
29. Bagel
30. Fig

Cat Names from History
Cats have been around for centuries, and they have been revered by many cultures. If you’re looking for cat names from history, check out these names for cats from history.
1. Alexander the Great
2. Cleopatra
3. Julius Caesar
4. Napoleon
5. Ramses
6. Tutankhamun
7. Genghis Khan
8. Hannibal
9. Henry VIII
10. Ivan the Terrible
11. Julius Caesar
12. Leonardo da Vinci
13. Marie Antoinette
14. Moses
15. Nostradamus
16. Queen Elizabeth
17. Shakespeare
18. Socrates
19. Stalin
20. Aaron Burr

Funny Movie-inspired cat names
Cats have been appearing in movies for decades, and they have been inspiring people to name their cats after their favourite movie characters. If you’re looking for movie-inspired cat names, here are the most popular names for your feline friend.
1. Aslan (The Chronicles of Narnia)
2. Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
3. Darth Vader (Star Wars)
4. Godzilla
5. Gizmo (Gremlins)
6. Harry Potter
7. King Kong
8. Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
9. Merlin (The Sword in the Stone)
10. Mittens (Bolt)
11. Mrs. Doubtfire
12. Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter)
13. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
14. Puss in Boots (Shrek)
15. Shere Khan (The Jungle Book)
16. Simba (The Lion King)
17. Snowball (The Secret Life of Pets)
18. Yoda (Star Wars)
19. Ziggy (The Lion King)
20. Zootopia

Funny TV Shows-inspired Cat Names
Cats have been appearing in TV shows for decades, and they have been inspiring people to name their cats after their favourite TV characters. If you’re looking for TV-inspired cat names, here are some of the most popular options:
1. Arya (Game of Thrones)
2. Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
3. Boba Fett (Star Wars)
4. Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)
5. Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
6. Darth Maul (Star Wars)
7. Eleven (Stranger Things)
8. Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)
9. Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
10. Khaleesi (Game of Thrones)
11. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
12. Mr. Bean
13. Ned Stark (Game of Thrones)
14. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
15. Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
16. Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones)
17. Tywin Lannister (Game of Thrones)
18. Varys (Game of Thrones)
19. Walter White (Breaking Bad)
20. Yoda (Star Wars)
Names based on appearance and personality
When it comes to naming your cat, you might want to consider their appearance and personality. The colour of their fur, their eyes, and their unique markings can all be used as inspiration for their name. If you’re looking for names based on appearance and personality, here are some of the most popular options.
1. Blaze
2. Blue
3. Boots
4. Bunny
5. Butterfly
6. Calculator
7. Comet
8. Cupcake
9. Dapper
10. Einstein
11. Fidget
12. Gizmo
14. Hercules
15. Itchy
16. Jazzy
17. Lazy
18. Lucky
19. Max
20. Misty
21. Muffin
22. Napoleon
23. Nutella
24. Oreo
25. Panda
26. Pepper
27. Pickles
28. Precious
29. Pudding
30. Kitty Purry

Funny Black Cat Names
If you have this unique black cat, you may want to look for a name that matches its mysterious yet fun personality. Here are some unique cat names.
1. Ash
2. Bane
3. Coal
4. Ebony
5. Hades
6. Ink
7. Jet
8. Midnight
9. Onyx
10. Raven
11. Shadow
12. Smoke
13. Solo
14. Steele
15. Thor
16. Vader
17. Witch
18. Wizard
19. Zorro
20. Zyzz

Funny Orange Cat Names
If you’re looking for funny orange cat names, here are some of the most popular options:
1. Apricot
2. Blaze
3. Butter
4. Cheddar
5. Cinnamon
6. Ginger
7. Jack
8. Marmalade
9. Mr. Orange
10. Nacho
11. Oompa Loompa
12. Paprika
13. Peanut
14. Pumpkin
15. Salsa
16. Sherbert
17. Snickers
18. Taco
19. Tangerine
20. Tang

Funny White Cat Names
1. Meowi
2. Blizzard
3. Cotton
4. Crystal
5. Dove
6. Ghost
7. Ivory
8. Marshmallow
9. Pearl
10. Snowball
11. Sugar
12. Swan
13. Winter
14. Witch
15. Zero
16. Ziva
17. Zoe
18. Zoya
19. Zyra
20. Zyzz

Funny Persian Cat Names
Persian cats are known for their luxurious fur, so it’s important to choose a name that reflects their royalty. Let's get you the best name for your cat.
1. Alfred
2. Angus
3. Archie
4. Baldwin
5. Bartholomew
6. Benedict
7. Bertram
8. Cecil
9. Clarence
10. Cyril
11. Desmond
12. Edgar
13. Edmund
14. Ernest
15. Everett
16. Ferdinand
17. Francis
18. Frederick
19. Giles
20. Graham
21. Harold
22. Humphrey
23. Jasper
24. Josiah
25. Lionel
26. Malcolm
27. Maxwell
28. Montgomery
29. Neville
30. Nigel