Cadence - Logo

WEEK OF JULY 17, 2020

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What is Cadence?

Cadence is an app that teams use daily to share progress updates and celebrate milestones directly in Slack

  • About Cadence

    About Cadence

    Cadence is a Slack app for teams who want a better way to stay up-to-date without adding even more boring status meetings to their calendars. With Cadence, teams save their meeting time for collaboration, not for status updates.

    We integrate with services like Github, Trello, and Jira, provide daily and weekly summaries of team activity, and more

  • Pricing


  • When to use Cadence

    When to use Cadence

    For daily standups and work updates

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • Cadence helps remote teams stay in sync without meetings. We also help remote teams strengthen their connections, despite not having daily face-to-face time
  • Testimonials


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