Goalee - Logo

What is Goalee?

Be constantly reminded about your true goals and aspirations.

  • About Goalee

    About Goalee

    Be constantly reminded about your true goals and aspirations. Don't lose focus, don't get lost in petty annoyances.

    This isn't a habit tracking app, a tasks app, nor a project tracking app. Its only purpose is to help you remain on track, so you never forget where you actually want to end up in life.

    Set goals; plan for them; work on them; accomplish your dreams!

  • Pricing


  • When to use Goalee

    When to use Goalee

    Use Goalee daily to track your goals and pursue your goals and accomplish them.

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • Remote workers are enabled to track goals more efficiently and stay on track using Goalee.
  • Testimonials


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