Cool PS4 Name: 500+ Funny, Best, Good, Creative, Cool PS4 Usernames for Pro Gamers
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Dec 31, 2024
Gamers around the world love playing on their PlayStation! The PS has many exciting games for all ages and encourages users to come up with creative PS4 names. PlayStation Network users can log in with their ID and password to play online games with friends or their teams.

You can use your PS4 name to sign in to any PlayStation Network. PlayStation account names are a representation of the gamer, so people love coming up with cool PSN names to keep for their profile. Not being able to find a cool PS4 name? Don’t worry! We have some cool PS4 username ideas for you.
Finding good PS4 names can be difficult. You want to get access to some good PlayStation ID ideas to choose the best name but one that no other gamer has already taken. So, to help you out, we've listed an assortment of cool PS4 names! Take your pick from this list of creative, funny, and best PS4 names!
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Table of Contents
- How to Pick a Suitable PS4 Name?
- How to Change Your PS4 Name?
- What Are Some Cool PS4 Names?
- What Are Some Funny PS4 Names?
- What Are Some Creative PS4 Names?
- What Are Some Badass PS4 Names?
- What Are Some Unique PS4 Names?
- What Are the Best PS4 Names?
- What Are Some OG PS4 Names?
- What Are Some Unique PS4 Names Not Taken Yet?
- Are Some PS4 Names for Girls?
- What Are Some PS4 Names for Boys?
- What Are Some 2-word PS4 Names?
- Conclusion
How to Pick a Suitable PS4 Name?
It’s important for players to choose PS4 names that resemble their character and personality. If you’re wondering how to pick the perfect PS4 username, here are some quick tips:

- Use words you like: If there are specific words that you like or relate to, try plugging them into your username. For example, if you are a football team fan, include the team name, such as “LiverpoolLover212.”
- Use puns: Creating a unique PS4 username can be tough, but not if you’re witty! Use puns to create the perfect username, for example, “BakeItHappen” or “LowerCaseGuy”.
- Keep it to the point: Instead of opting for a long-drawn name that might be difficult to pronounce, keep your username crisp and short. Try to keep your username under 10–15 characters overall for your PS4 name.
How to Change Your PS4 Name?
Changing your PS4 username from the dashboard takes only a few minutes. Here’s how:
- Select Settings (toolbox icon) from the main dashboard.

- Find and select the Account Management option.
- Select Online ID after clicking Account Information, and then Profile.
- Accept Sony's warnings by clicking Online ID.
- Once you change your PS4 username, all your devices will sign you out. You will need to sign in again.

What Are Some Cool PS4 Names?
Looking for cool and awesome PSn names? A cool PS4 name shows other players you’re unique, innovative, and witty. Here is a list of cool PS4 names:
- Alogism
- Laparascope
- Refulgent
- EpicfGrebe
- Fisticuffs
- Factualism
- Adventitious
- Amphigory
- Monotheism
- Jamdani
- Sibilant
- Squeegee
- Avicular
- Protogenic
- Verpertine
- Stupid Goose
- Big Lizard
- Who’sYourDaddy
- Paradox Life
- Butt Smasher
- Kill Cow
- Fluffy Rabbit
- Powerpuff4Life
- Holland Is Awesome
- Green Goblin
- MojoJojo
- Buttercup Sucks
- Jelly Bean
- LoveMoon
- SkunkyGuru
- Nate Han
- Apple Bottom Jeans
- Dizzy Dolphin
- ScoringHi
- Funk Olympic
- AvocadoLove
- Green Snowman
- Epic Ready
- Ready Player None
- Fully Land
- HurryPutah
- Dumbledore is Alive
- Enjoy Pinch
- VampiresSuck
- BotStrike
- Jungle Miss
- Oopsin
- Latinary
- Clearit
- Nexiad
- AgentHerculesTheSecond
- MaltyCookieCake
- Crypto Hippo
- I Love Bears
- SpiceRack
- Queersec
- Audience Pod
- Goldence
- Dolphinate
- Aura Junky
- Benetia
- Thor Thunder
- Thunder Thighs
- Epic Season
- Snorlaxx
- Audi For Life
- Rocketman
- Spaceship123
- AhoyMatey
- Cookie Monster
- RockingItNow
- WakaPower
- Karate Kid
- Blonding
- Fork Man
- Vape Dimension
- Pizza Delivery Boy
- Dinosaurs Are Awesome
- Geology Rocks
- Iced Tea
- Sizzlini
- Pastaman
- Rawlo
- Cofactor
- Hinchou
- PsychRacer
- HitRush
- LessWeb
- Interestech
- Unea
- SnowboardDr
- Funky Monkey
- WelComic
- NoteAlly
- CheeMellow
- Actuallyer
- KinTheBorg
- Exogarc
- TySoccer
- AttackWaka
- Netflix and Kill
- KillMeNow
- DontKillMe
- Gamer4Life
- KungFuFandom
- MineLatest
- Ludata
- Popte
- Dinger
- Sunset Patty
- Rush Comments
- Cool Stoner
- Laugham
- Billink182
- CoolSus
- Godlene
- ImYourPope
- ListBoot
- MitzyCone
- CatXo
Ps4 Names Generator
Click the button to generate a name:
What Are Some Funny PS4 Names?
Keeping a funny PlayStation name can make you popular among other gamers. Keeping a hilarious and funny PSN name will give others the impression that you are a likeable gamer to be around! Here’s our take on some of the funniest PS4 names for you to choose from.
- Charms Puppy
- Actions
- iPoop_444
- Prime Twinkle
- Try Hard Loser
- Notorious BIG
- Thunder Thighs
- Trash Talker
- Radio Mafia
- Your Mama Sux
- Dusty Balls
- Knuckle Duster
- I Has Hips
- Nicolassaurus Rex
- Uber Splendid Newt
- Red Thighs
- Red Hips LoL
- IAmSplendid
- MindofNicolas
- Captain Splendid
- Matt Chubby Knees
- Reynolds Cloud
- Fast Food Chain
- Pizzalicious
- MoonCrow
- Air Bender
- Bald Bot
- Will_Rage_Quit
- Fedora the Explorer
- Hate The Game
- Need2P
- Shaquille Oatmeal
- Hanging With My Buds
- Pumped Up Kicks
- Hanging With Gnomies
- Fast And Curious
- Bad Karma
- Joe Is Not Exotic
- Tiger Queen
- Budhabites
- Anonymouse
- BackstreetsBack
- Regina_Phalange
- MikeTesting123
- SirYellsAlot
- Banana Hammock
- Baby Doodles
- Babushka
- Toasted Bagels
- Momma Queen
- Kim_Chi
- Chin_Chin_Chu
- GhostFace
- Harmless Potato
- Ball Sack
- Winona Ryder
- Motorcycle Diaries
- SniperFire
- Berry Bowls
- FatBatman
- Panini Head
- Savage Ninja
- Mandy Moore
- Monkey Butt
- Not The Dog
- Chris_Bacon
- I Love Juice
- Toasted Jeans
- Gary The Snail
- PatrickStar
What Are Some Creative PS4 Names?
Choose an interesting and creative PS4 name that helps other games realise you mean business! Choose from this list of creative PS4 names:
- RAWR_LoveYou
- GoToHell
- ExtremeAdventure
- LoveTravel
- AirshipBattle
- AstroBoy
- AstroGirl
- Bread Pitt
- Lowercase Dude
- DroolingOnYou
- AngelKing
- QuarantineJeans
- CovidSpreader
- Ironmansucks
- PeterParker
- BlueIvy
- NorthStar
- CompassDirectsMe
- Mustache Max
- Honey Lemon
- Bud Lightyear
- Tea Bags
- Kiss My Axe
- Dairy Queen
- Dairy King
- LactoseTolerator
- MilkyWay
- BoopYourNose
- SofaKingCool
- WhatsYourSign
- Magoogoo
- Wake and Bake
- BarbieBreath
- Frieda Kahlocat
- Early Coffee Morning
- DietCoke
- Chicken on Pizza
- Spaghetti_Noods
- Freddy The Fish
- ChickyChickyParmParm
- Razzle Dazzle
- Toilet Paper Roll
- Fried Chocolate
- Fresh Prince
- Cauliflower Culkin
- RotiKing
- FunnyBoy123
- C0ns0lec0mmands
- Jon Bon Jon
- 420Friendly
- Cherry Picker
- Strawberry Fielder
- Woot_Woot
- Player of Bel Air
- Kokonuts
What Are Some Badass PS4 Names?
Gamers love being badass – and what better way to depict your toughness than through a badass PS4 name? If you want to stand out in the PlayStation Network, pick badass PSn names from this list below:
- Equalizer
- FabDeck
- Indian Knight
- Brutal Killer
- Stylish Ronny
- Tony Soprano
- Satan_666
- Back Stabbing Boob
- Bonzai Buns
- Valley Girl
- Tongue Berry
- OwlPacino
- Hulk Ruogen
- Punchy Punch
- Ghost Beast
- Gambit Baggins
- Vendore Boy
- Spoon Man
- Alley Frog
- Psycho Killer
- Zero Deaths
- FactOFMatter
- HungryHippos
- WolfTribune
What Are Some Unique PS4 Names?
Need a quirky PS4 name that makes you stand out in the gamer crowd? Choose from this list of unique PS4 names:
- Bearded Angel
- Proximity
- AngelWithoutWings
- Bearded Boy
- Jacket Thief
- MarlonBrando
- King Conner
- EasyPeasy
- MeadowCool
- BraidQueen
- PenningPaper
- UkulelePoop
- HempBag123
- Sweet Poison
- Thunderbeast
- Hack-Her
- DropletsOnMyPane
- Wheelie123
- BoatsOnBay
- TrendyTimes
- DairyQueen
- Berry Tongue
- HorseBlindFold
- ShutUpIKillYou
- CoinsStealer
- Tyrannic Rex
- Assaulter
- Her Majesty
- KillBillNow
- Optimally Ace
- Cutthroat Weebs
- BigBootyBoob
- Cuddly Goblin
- DevryGrad
- Not Exotic Joe
- PasteTooth
- Harriet Thugman
- JeansBeans
- Funny And Armed
- Real Barbie
- Cookie Killer
- Sold For Mom
- Agents of Death
- One Directioner
- Hall and Oats
- Legendary Looter
- Dev Soldiers
- Avocadorable
- GoogleMyName
- MadMax
- Gold Digger
- Solid Snake
- Bean Ghost
- Potatox Chipz
- Intelligent Zombie
- Forty Seven
- CanTheCook
- Wonder the Wise
- iPhoneLover
- DevryBoy
- Savage Sweet
- Friendly Punk
- Your Momma Sux
- Victory Loves Me
- Right Divide
- Juggy boy
- Noobster234
- Nothing Is In Use
- Bonker Boy
- It’s Imperative
What Are the Best PS4 Names?
Wondering what the best PS4 names out there are? Here’s our curated list of the best PS4 names in gamer history ever:
- NapkinHolder
- Chill Dude
- Pilly Cosby
- Zlock
- HitchDude
- Thxnder
- Drxm
- Mindless Killer
- SnoopDogg
- Boomkin
- Dirty Denise
- TweetTweet
- Jonny Awesome
- Bravo King
- Skirtz Chaser
- Ass Ass In
- PreggersWithU
- Chuck Norris
- Satoshi Nakanobody
- Fox McCloud
- Lozomaine
- Purring Snake
- Not Important To You
- NameMyBoob
- CArtoon SAvage
- Flesh
- GetOutOfMyWay
- Brain Hacker
- Blood Sail
- Pokie Puck
- Brash Thug
- Fire Tiger
- Hugo Balls
- Filomena
- Wretched Veterans
- spoonman322
- Buh Buh Bacon
- One Pump
- DeliveryPizza
- Middit
- Fear Butcher
- Hakuna My Tatas
- shoot2kill
- FiveGuys
- Loves Me Not
- My Cookie Sux
- Dacoit Dealer
- Katega
- Soda Yoda
- AllGoodNamesGone
- Bonzai King
- Agent47
- Junkyard Pup
- Kefka Palazzo
- BeltBoy
- Windows Microsoft
- Whiner Sixty Niner
- Sales Undertaker
- BadPoop
- EyesWideShut
What Are Some OG PS4 Names?
Need an OG (Original Gangster) PS4 name? This is an excellent way for you to prove your gaming capabilities through your gaming name! Give other gamers a run for their money with an OG PS4 name from this list below -
- JumpShotz
- Soul Taker
- King Ping
- Homely SHarpshooters
- Ashley Said What
- VapeDimension
- BonJonBon
- CinnaMyBon
- AllThemBoats
- BoardMember
- Lil Twit
- NoDrugsHere
- floppyshow
- Cover Boy
- WhiskySour
- PianoMan
- Grey Gander
- ServicesNotAvailable
- Drunk to Win
- I am Funny
- SixnSeven
- Image Not Uploaded
- BoxBag
- AutoRickshaw
- Red Monkey Butt
- Magic Fetus
- VaanGuard
- Fart Kobra
- Buried Alive Today
- Better Jonas Brother
- Username_copied
- Machine Gun Kelly
- Image Uploaded
- CreatoroftheWorld
- Sans Undertale
- Yes U Suck
- Butt Smasher Bob
- Servicemen
What Are Some Unique PS4 Names Not Taken Yet?
Need to stand out from the crowd even more distinctly? Choose a PS4 name from our list. The best part? Most of these names haven’t even been taken yet! Dominate the PlayStation Network with a username from this unique list of PS4 names that have not been claimed by any gamer yet!
- Black Belt
- Douchebag Coward
- Ratbag
- Wet Barbie
- MailKiller
- MeetMeAtTheEquinox
- No Arms No Legs
- Cheel Ki Nazar
- DontKilBob
- Taken by Wine
- Dynos
- RagingMonster
- Nameless One
- Crapbag
- SnowPatrol
- DropletBoy
- MatrixAnderson
- SloppyJoe
- Ninja Disco
- Operation Annihilation
- Wildy Waffle
- CheesyPuffs
- Nasty Hulk
- Agent Sergent
- Corona Cosmo
- You Were a Mistake
- Murderous Web
- term Occupation
- Magic Fetus
- PrestigeCook
- Tec Tonic
- Soul Killer
- RebelsMilk
- Zoo Pilot
- Reaperbot
- Jake the Ripper
- Kiss My Axe
- Harry Dotter
- Low Five
- Dark Gladiator
- Lightning Strike
- Abnormal Vigor
- Domination
- Bling Ring
- Bling King
- Die Hardman
- Irresistible Force
- Force of Nature
- SoldiersLive
- Three Hundred Dogs
Are Some PS4 Names for Girls?
Are you a girl gamer? Looking for a cool PS4 name for girls? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back, as always! Here are some great choices of PS4 names for girls:
- Blinky Girl
- Agent Woman
- Wonder Woman
- Danny’s Girl
- Kara Konnects
- PS Girl Gamer
- Date Me
- Ask Your Man About Me
- Kitty Bloom
- Jesse’s Girl
- Starry Angel
- Silly Pie
- Cutie Alert
- WeedBuddy
- HolidayGirl
- ILovePelicans
- HollywoodBarbie
- GretaGroing
- OrangeHead
- Kitten claws
- Carrot Top
- CoolPhone212
- Fatty’siPhone
- BobHair
- Blunt Lights
- Wonderous Woman
- I Love Peaches
- Pink Nasty
- My Name is Pink
- RoseForLife
- Sunflower Mary
- KaiLotus
- SniperGirl
- JacksRose
- GunsNRoses
What Are Some PS4 Names for Boys?
Need a seriously good PSN name? Here’s our take on some cool, badass PS4 names for boys. Take your pick!
- Smooth Criminal
- Gossip Monger
- Helga Huffle Your Puff
- Monkey Uncle
- Fat Panda
- Bulbasaur
- H2MyO
- Malfoys Uncle
- DarkLord
- Serpent Boy
- Lad Bible
- BoysRUs
- Potter on a Broom
- Weasley Twin
- Writer324
- BroBegone
- BorkingUpATree
- Doggy Treat
- ZombieMan
- Walking Dead
- Poopy Head
- Protein Shake
- Workout Monster
- Beer Biceps
- Big Biceps
- Testo Stallone
- Definitely Blue
- Need Coffee First
- Stoned Kelso
- Zimmerman
- FanFic987
What Are Some 2-word PS4 Names?
Need a short and sweet 2-word PSN name? Crisp and cool PS4 Gamertags like these are all the rage – especially when everyone wants a clever PS4 name that’s easy on the tongue yet quick to type! Here’s our list of 2-word PS4 names:
- Punk Chick
- Rock Club
- Potter Sucks
- Metal Head
- Dustbin Cone
- Empty Space
- Void Sucks
- Anger Babe
- Sharp Pain
- Donald Duck
- Lion King
- Male Horse
- Burning Sensei
- Chemical Heart
- Crowd Stealer
PS4 allows players to finally change their usernames! If you’re looking for a cool, creative, unique, funny PlayStation name change, go through this list and get the name you deserve!