Side Projectors - Logo

What is Side Projectors?

SideProjectors is a friendly marketplace to sell and buy interesting side projects from other people

  • About Side Projectors

    About Side Projectors

    Born out of a local hackathon in 2013, SideProjectors is a community of people who are passionate about building and working on side projects - online businesses, SaaS products, developer projects, online shops, blogs etc

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    • Free listing available
  • When to use Side Projectors

    When to use Side Projectors

    SideProjectors solves the problem of creativity and innovation going to waste – rather, users can find the right people who can benefit from their projects

    If you have a side project that you want to showcase to other people, you can submit it on SideProjectors to receive feedback and discuss with others on your project. It's a great way to get early feedback and validation.

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • Whether you're selling, buying, seeking a co-founder or show off your latest side project, SideProjectors makes sure that each step of your experience is error-free, safe and efficient
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