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What is Zipcar?

Zipcar is a car-sharing platform that provides automobile reservations to its members, billable by the minute, hour, or day.

  • About Zipcar

    About Zipcar

    Zipcar offers city-dwellers a viable alternative to traditional car ownership, and its thousands of hubs around the world make it easy to use anywhere.
    You can buy a membership with ease and use its vehicles anywhere across countries.

  • Pricing


    • Monthly: $7/month + Driving rates from $11/hr and $91.50/day; Annual: $70/year + Driving rates from $11/hr and $91.50/day.
    • Complete Pricing
  • When to use Zipcar

    When to use Zipcar

    Zipcar is a great option for those who don’t drive frequently and is perfect for travelers who want to have on-demand access to a personal car but who don’t want to buy it or park.

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • Remote workers can travel worry free to different locations and have the assurance of a car that can transport them where they wish to go.
  • Testimonials


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