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What is Dropbox?

Dropbox Business is a central place to access and share files.

  • About Dropbox

    About Dropbox

    Starting with a consumer-facing app, Dropbox introduced cloud storage for businesses in a big way. It has a simple UI, allows unlimited storage, and can be accessed across devices. It integrates with a wide number of tools and has significant API presence for any custom usage.

  • Pricing


  • Pros and Cons

    Pros and Cons

    • Easy Installation
    • Effortless File Synchronization
    • Shows History Of Actions
    • Requires Internet for every task
  • When to use Dropbox

    When to use Dropbox

    If you are already using GSuite, then Drive might be a better bet. However, Dropbox's ease of use and easy syncing features make it a serious contender otherwise.

  • Know more

    Know more

    • None
  • Testimonials


Dropbox Reviews

  • Akshay

    Easy to use and easy to share documents.

           reply     1      over 5 years ago
  • John Pooley
    @john.pooley, Growth, Milanote

    The standard. Seemless syncing, awesome integrations and great uptime.

           reply     0      over 5 years ago
  • Dmytro Kovalenko
    @tasteofdalife, Designer, Resolvd

    Clean, reliable and brilliant. Dropbox just works.

           reply     0      over 5 years ago
  • Brenna Loury
    @bloury, Head of Marketing @ Doist

    We use Dropbox & Dropbox Paper to collaborate remotely at Doist.

           reply     0      over 5 years ago
  • Ashok Ramamoorthy
    @ashokr, Product Manager, Zoho Corporation

    Syncs documents within seconds.

           reply     0      about 5 years ago
  • Vasile

    Seamless across platforms. A life saver when changing machines and in need of docs.

           reply     1      about 5 years ago
  • Bu Fan

    that it great

           reply     0      about 5 years ago
  • Jaira Romero
    @hello, Co-founder, RemoteWoman

    Great product for teams

           reply     0      about 5 years ago
  • Ryan Le Roux

    Absolutely LOVE Dropbox paper. Makes document editing a total breeze without all the clutter.

           reply     0      about 5 years ago

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