TECLA - Logo

What is TECLA?

TECLA uses AI and expert human screening to match companies and remote candidates in our network by skills, experience, timezone, personality, and more.

  • About TECLA

    About TECLA

    We are improving the way remote-ok companies recruit and hire top software developers, QA analysts, and product designers from around the world.

    Interview & hire directly. Teammates (not freelancers). Total salary transparency. Talent in your timezone. 7,500+ top professionals in our network.

    Create your job post to get started!

  • Pricing


  • When to use TECLA

    When to use TECLA

    We work with companies ranging from pre-funded startups all the way to Fortune 500 companies.

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • Ideal for remote-ok companies that are looking to recruit and hire top software developers, QA analysts, and product designers from around the world.
  • Testimonials


TECLA Reviews

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