Google Docs - Logo

What is Google Docs?

Google Docs brings your documents to life with smart editing and styling tools to help you easily format text and paragraphs.

  • About Google Docs

    About Google Docs

    Think a collaborative Word - with no annoying license reminders. Not as lag-free as we'd like, but gets the job done.

  • Pricing


  • Pros and Cons

    Pros and Cons

    • Free
    • Replicates MS Word features, so widely understood
    • Edits have a lag in showing up
    • Changes tracking in case of multiple edits is cumbersome and not search-friendly
  • When to use Google Docs

    When to use Google Docs

    Creating/modifying a document collaboratively, when number of collaborators is small (<10)

  • Know more

    Know more

    • None
  • Testimonials


    • No data
  • Andrei-Marcel Țiț
    @andrei.tit.ro, CX | Product Marketing

    Basic, yet more than enough when it comes to collaborating with remote colleagues. I enjoy their URL shortcut for creating new documents: doc.new.

           reply     0      over 5 years ago
  • Brad Ward
    @brad, CTO, GroupMap Technology Pty. Ltd.

    Just the right amount of power and flexibility

           reply     0      over 5 years ago
  • Abraham

    Great tool! We enjoy using this to alter documents across our office locations enabling instant changes and saving time.

           reply     0      about 5 years ago
  • Nancy Ngo
    @nancy, Business Development, CloudRepo

    An easy way for my team to collaborate on the same document that is updated in live time!

           reply     0      about 5 years ago
  • David Horowitz
    @david, CEO, Retrium

    Really helps with collaboration

           reply     0      about 5 years ago