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What is Tandem?

Tandem is a virtual office for remote and distributed teams.

  • About Tandem

    About Tandem

    No - it's not VR, but it's the closest thing to in-person collaboration!
    See who's available right now and what app they are working in. Talk and screenshare in one-click.
    We started building Tandem when two of us had kids and started working from home more. We tried a bunch of different tools, but hated the friction in all of them, so we built Tandem!

  • Pricing


    • 14-day free trial, then $10 / active user / month (or FREE if you join our beta feedback program!)
  • When to use Tandem

    When to use Tandem

    Some details on how ⚡️instant calls⚡️ work:
    - You can click on someone and talk immediately, but they will be on mute until they accept.
    - All calls start as voice, but can be upgraded to video and screenshare.
    - Customizable rooms are a nice way to invite teammates to talk when they're free.

    Some details on app presence:
    - Your teammates will be able to see which work app you're currently in (only for a select set of integrated apps) - this gives everyone a sense of being together, and helps you know when a teammate is interruptible.
    - You can go into Focus Mode if you don't want to be bothered, in which case your app will not be shown.

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • We are a distributed team, making this product for other distributed teams!
  • Testimonials


    • No data