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What is Voodle?

Voodle, an async short video app for business, transforms the way next-generation teams connect, align, and collaborate. It’s the fastest and most effective way to connect people with information that drives action across teams and with customers.

  • About Voodle

    About Voodle

    Voodle is made for people managers who need to collaborate, communicate, and curate authentic company culture in a remote setting while also reducing meeting, chat, and email bloat — all without losing a human-forward space for moment-sharing.

    From hiring to daily management, Voodle provides an async short video messaging platform for the hybrid workforce because getting great work done, with a great team, no longer requires the proximity of time and place.

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  • When to use Voodle

    When to use Voodle

    Asynchronous workflows are critical for high-performing remote teams, but often human connection suffers as a result.

    Enter Voodle’s short video platform - all the convenience and efficiency of async but with all the context and expression video provides.

    From each part of the hiring process (sourcing, screening, and candidate closing), to onboarding, to daily team and project management — Voodle’s async short video helps remote teams move business forward.

  • Relevance to remote workers

    Relevance to remote workers

    • Voodle is purpose-built for growing remote teams - directly addressing their biggest pain points: scaling efforts without increasing the isolation, eroding culture, and loss of creativity that can come with a distributed virtual team. People managers and teams use Voodle for async scaling hiring efforts, onboarding new team members, stand-ups that don’t time-suck, brainstorms, culture-building fun, and so much more in order to ensure everyone is aligned and connected.
  • Testimonials


Voodle Reviews

  • Nicole.C 06

    I love using Voodle! It is a great and easy way to stay connected to coworkers, friends, and family all in one place. It’s more authentic and personal than an email, but more structured than a zoom meeting.

           reply     0      almost 3 years ago

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