250+ Funny, Cool & Best Cornhole Team Names for You
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Sep 12, 2023
Are you hosting a barbecue this afternoon or a picnic with your friends? Are you on the hunt for something to do after a long conference?
Cornhole can be the ultimate gateway to a refreshing activity, a terrific and sociable but competitive pastime for any backyard barbecue, family reunion, or other outdoor gatherings! An entertaining outdoor game, cornhole is famous throughout America.
Cornhole is meant for people of all age groups. While the game is simple, it presents the players with one big challenge - finding the perfect cornhole team names for your team!
To make it easy for you, here are a list of the funniest, cool, dirty and relevant cornhole team names, so you can choose the best one for your next family or friends cornhole game event.
Table of Contents
What is a Cornhole Game?
Cornhole is an outdoor lawn game played by people of all ages worldwide. Played using bean bags now, in the past, players would hurl little bags filled with corn through a hole in an upward-sloping wooden platform. Hence, 'corn is in the hole' is a phrase used to describe instances where a player successfully throws the bag through the hole.

The name cornhole takes after this basic rule of the game. Depending on the house regulations,
- bags that are successfully pitched or tossed into a hole fetch 2 - 3 points for the team.
- A bag that falls on the board earns you one point.
- The game is won by the first team to score 21 points.
However, the excitement gets to another level when you allot team names for cornhole games. The name can be attractive, and innovative, or you may also look for dirty cornhole team names such as “corn yourself on” or “go get corny”.
In this article, you’ll explore the best cornhole team names.
How to Name Your Cornhole Team?
- Find Words That Can Be Associated With a Trait
- Make Sure the Name is Relevant
- Make It Sound Humorous
- Brainstorm With the Team Members
It is a frequent habit to tie team names with certain ideals and traits. A good cornhole team name may convey domination, strength, and grandeur. Therefore, give your team a name that portrays courage, skill, perseverance, and confidence.
Think of the positive characteristics that the team members have in common. Use terms that define your team's "essence." Do you, for example, consider yourself to be strong and competitive? Then using words such as "masters," "champions," and "muscled" is ideal. Do you consider yourself to be an accurate thrower? In that case, terms like "eagle," "marksman," or "on sight" can become excellent cornhole team names.
The game is intended to be entertaining, right? Thus, make sure the cornhole team name sounds funny yet witty.
Let the team members present ideas for a cool cornhole team name, as different minds can bring creative ideas to the table. Make sure the name is catchy and easy to remember.
Now that you know how to find out the best cornhole team names, let’s get to choose them. Select a name that you and the team are unanimously sold on, or just mix and match to bring out the perfect name of your choice.
What Can You Name Your Cornhole Team?
Here’s a list of the top names you can have for your cornhole team.
- Crazy 4 cornhole
- Tossing the beans
- Maize-ing masters
- Corn diggers
- Bag of corns
- A-maizing throwers
- Conqueror of beanbags
- The uni_corns
- Pop up the corn
- The marksmen/women
- Handful of corns
- Hole the corns
- Cornoholics
- Corn candy
- The shooting masters
- Cornian kings/queens
- Bean bag bagger
- Magical Maizers
- Krazy for kernels
- The smart snipers
- Corn power
- Bag the hole
- Bagnificient team
- Decoding corns
- cornholers redefined
- The thugs of corns
- Big bang beans
- Sweet corn
- Get, set and corn
- Stalks of Beans
- Born for corns
- The flying beans
- cornhole lovers
- Bags of joy
- Corn again
- Corn Baggers
- Corny tales
- Magnificent maizers
- The maize magic
- Bundles of joy
- Unstoppable cornoholics
- Hole in one
- Holy corn
- Corny cray
- Cornster
- Corn crackers
- Corn flakes
- Tossing sportsmen/women
- The holey kings/queens
- Fun baggers
- Teaming with dreamers
- cornhole experts
- Fabulously funny flyers
- Bagging n bragging
- Tossers n Throwers
- Maize Seizers
- Masters of bags of fire
- Pirates of corn-a-bean
- Cornballs
- Amazing tossers
- Champs of cornholes
- Team of ringers
- Corn fritters
- Powerful cornians
- Emperors of cornholes
- Sandbaggers
- Beating the beans
- The Clan of Cornholes
- Cornmealers
- Cornified
- Competent Cornhole Experts
- Brave buddies
- Golden girls
- Corny competitors
- The great American cornians
- Game of corn
- Flying racers
- Corn pops
- Holy corn
- Legends of cornholes
- Unleashing the cornians
- Bag boomers
- Goers of gold
- Gold diggers
- Ring the hole
- High Fructose
Cornhole Team Names Generator
Click the button to generate a name:
What Are the Best Cornhole Team Names?
Here’s a list of some of the world’s best cornhole team names you can name your team after at the next event -
- The Pop-Corn-Holers
- Free Agents
- Maize Brigade
- Bag Spinners
- Tea Baggers
- We Are Corny
- Be Maize
- T-baggers
- Magic Hands
- Very Corny
- Muffin Spanners
- The Human Beans
- The Whole Kernel
- The Maizettas
- The Corn Tossers
- The Corny Bags
- Flying Racers
- Airmail
- American Hurricanes
- Fumbling Red Orphans
- Da Bomb Squad
- The Unicorns
- Cardiac Kids
- Corn Shuckers
- Silicornia
- The Wrecking Crew
Also, here's a blog on baseball team names you should check out.
What Are Some Funny Cornhole Team Names?
If you’re looking for funny cornhole team names, here are our top picks:
- Corny Chicks
- Corny heroes
- Keepers of cornholes
- The Enchilada with a Hole
- Candy Corners
- Boss of the Toss
- Beers and Bags
- The last sack standing
- Gold Diggers
- Warriors of golden peppercorns.
- The Corn Game
- Holy Corn
- Corning around the board
- cornhole or Die
- Corn purists
- Children of the cornhole
- The Cornstalks
- Driving Miss Maizey
- We Swing Both Maize
- Jelly Beanbags
- Smackers of cornholes
- Boss of beaning the holes
- Maize this on
- Jimmy Crack cornhole
- Kettle Korn
- Cool cornholers
- Slayers of beanbags
- The Stalking Dead
- Cornfed
- Kernel Sanders
- Corn Nuggets
- Flying Fritos
- The Magic Hands
- The Corn Clan
- Nitty Gritty
- Air Beans
- Maltodextrin
- The Hole Denominators
- Ninjas at cornhole
- Toss and Carry On
- Aw, Shucks
- Sai cornhole Samurai
- Michael Journal Grenade, here!
- Pop Your cornhole
- Peters and Wendies
- Throwers of Hillbillies
- Bags of Fury
- All In
- Indigestible
- Cornhole Addiction
- The Corn Cops
- Toss This
- The Addicts of cornhole
- Enthusiasts of Black Holes
- The Tossing Lovers
- The Last Bag Standing
- Can’t Corn This
- Buttered Beanbags
What Are Some Cool Cornhole Team Names?
If you’re looking for cool cornhole team names, here are our top picks to help you:
- The Corn Dawgs
- Devour the Cornbread
- The Whole Enchilada
- The Outsiders
- Golden Girls
- Corn Flakes
- The Ringers
- I paid for these bags
- Flash Cob
- Cornadoes
- The Corny Bags
- The Bags of Joy
- Champs of the cornhole
- Cob Story
- Sack to the Future
- Here for Beer
- Cornhole Ladies
- Lady Luck
- Go for Gold
- Corn Chaps
- The Greatest Cornholers
- The Playful Cornholers
- Cornified
- Corntistic
- Off the Cob
- We So Corny
- The Bags of Terror
- Corn Fritters
- The cornholers Duo
- Seize the Maize
- Corn Crackers
- Corn on the Cobwebs
- Team of Baggers
- Game of Throws
- Corn Pops
- Shunkholios
- cornhole Redenbacher’s
- We’re All Ears
- The Corny Chicks
- Starch Farts
- Old Bags
- Gold Diggers
- Mr Beanbags
- We’re All Ears
- The Holy Braggers
- Cool Beaners
- Corn Chowder
- Cornutopia
- The Corn Jokesters
- The Masters of the Game
- Maize on This
- The Holey O’s
- The Holy Ones
- Starchky & Husk
- The Violators
- The Holy Ones
- Can’t Corn This
- Nitty Gritty
- The Cobfather
- Corn Chips
- Can’t Touch this Corn
- The Cornettas
- What a Shucker
- Jelly Beanbags
- Gonna Cream You!
What Are Some Dirty Cornhole Team Names?
If you’re looking for dirty cornhole team names, here are suggestions that would really help:
- Ring the hole
- Wrong Hole
- Party Naked
- Spanking the Cornhole
- Smokin Fireballs
- The Ball Bags
- Violators
- What the Shuck
- No Sympathy
- The Beanie Weenies
- Creamed cornholes
- Easy Hooker
- The Cornholios
- Bing Bang Bong
- Swish the Hole
- Fire in the Hole
- Bean Town Baggers
- Corn to be Wild!
- Corn Land
- The Throwing Babes
- Toss and Throw
- Kernel Kinks
- Corny Fellas
- Corn Air
- Pop Your cornhole
- Shuck You
- Feelin’ Corny
- The Throwing Hunks
- Knock Corn
- Sexy Throwers
- The Corn Cobs
- Corny For You
- Score More!
- Candied Corns
- Shut Your cornhole
- Hole in One
- The Number 1 cornholers
- Jiffy Pop
- Handsome Throwers
- Can’t Crack My Corn
- Mother Shuckers
- Corntopia
- Pop Your Corhole
- Masters of the Hole
- Find the Hole
- In the Bag
- While Hole
- Flash Cob
- Flying Racers
- Maized & Confused
- Last Bag Standing
- Shucking A-maize-ing
- The Cornfusers
- Gonna Cream You
- The Corn Barbarians
- The Corn Identity
- Cardiac Kids
- Cornfed Hicks
- Corn Air
- Can’t Touch This Corn