
Meeting Assistant:SoapBox Sidekick - Logo
The SoapBox Sidekick is an AI-powered meeting assistant designed to help managers and their teams with their day-to-day productivity and organization.
Meeting Assistant:Slideshare - Logo
Don't keep your audience waiting for a follow-up email! Sharing slides or resources has never been easier. Upload your content, add your custom QR code to any presentation and streamline sharing
Meeting Assistant:Remote Workly - Logo
Remoteworkly lets you create meetings that lead to successful actionable outcomes. We help teams hold fewer unwanted meetings and improve the quality of their conversations
Meeting Assistant:Fireflies.ai - Logo
Unlimited & free recordings and transcriptions of every meeting. Fireflies.ai is an AI that joins your meetings and shares the valuable information with everyone in your team, no matter where they are.
Meeting Assistant:Clockwise - Logo
Clockwise is an intelligent calendar assistant that frees up your time so you can work on what matters
Meeting Assistant:Tooqan - Logo
Tooqan’s mission is bringing visibility on key aspects of meetings and providing personalised guidance for improvement. This means inefficiencies are quickly spotted and time spent in meetings becomes more productive.
Meeting Assistant:Comeet.me - Logo
Stop the meeting madness. Powered-on agendas, one-click shared decisions and meeting performance feedback. All in your calendar, now, supercharged. Make every meeting count and never miss a point.
Meeting Assistant:Timeblocks - Logo
Timeblocks allows you to create a structured agenda for your meetings, and stick to schedule.
Meeting Assistant:Reclaim - Logo
Reclaim automatically finds and defends time on your calendar for you to get stuff done, and preserves your work-life balance by keeping your personal and work calendars in sync.
Meeting Assistant:Hyperia - Logo
Hyperia is an AI meeting assistant that transcribes and summarizes your calls. Automatic AI note taker generates meeting minutes, enables you to rewatch and search previous conversations
Meeting Assistant:TeamSpirit - Logo
TeamSpirit is a video call tool to help you stay on track, end meetings on time, and even curb rambling
Meeting Assistant:MeetingNinja - Logo
Highlight and Zoom anything on the screen during your meetings. MeetingNinja is actively used by software engineers, teachers, students, designers, sales and marketing executives.
Meeting Assistant:Saylient - Logo
Saylient helps you manage and share your video and audio files. Transcribe, highlight important snippets, and share recordings.
Meeting Assistant:NextCall - Logo
NextCall extension will allow you to see upcoming events from your Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar and automatically open popular conferencing solutions like Zoom, Google Meet, Teams and many more
Meeting Assistant:Uniteable - Logo
Uniteable connects with Google Calendar allowing you to create meetings from existing calendar events.
Meeting Assistant:Navigator - Logo
Everything for your remote meetings, all in one place: agendas, notes, action items & video conferencing links
AI-powered meeting assistant designed to help managers and their teams
Supercharge your virtual presentations.
We help end inefficient meetings
AI that joins, record and transcripts your meetings.
Make your calendar work for you
Evaluate meetings and track stats.
Effective meetings made easy into your calendar
Curated virtual BGs that will let you teleport in meetings
Create a structured agenda for your meetings using Timeblocks
Automatic time blocking for WFH calendars
AI automatic note-taker that joins calls, transcribes meetings
Your next meeting always before your eyes
Stop rambling on video calls and end meetings on time
Superpower for meeting ninjas
Transcribe, annotate, and share your recordings
1 click to join upcoming Zoom calls (and other video calls)
Take your meetings to task
Workspaces for remote meetings